Sub Fee 2022-23
312$Sub Fee 2023-24
325.50$Sub Fee 2023
162$Sub Fee 2024
163.50$Rejoin Membership 2024
327$New Membership 2024
218$Life Time Membership
Your payment and personal details are encrypted and secured
You can choose to make payment via cheque.
All cheques should be crossed and made payable to “Obs & Gyn Society of Singapore”
OGSS Membership Entitlement & Benefit
OGSS Regular eblast:
Containing information on the OGSS activities, Newsletter, Newsflash, Invitations, O&G Meetings and Conferences held locally and abroad,
Details of O&G CME programmes and other announcements.
OGSS Publications:
Singapore Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (SJOG), featuring O&G research papers and case reports by local and foreign doctors. The SJOG is published 2 times a year.
The OGSS Quarterly Newsletter features news and movements of members, articles on current O&G issues, information on both the local and foreign O&G scenes.
Free insertion of Professional or Social Announcements in the OGSS Newsletter.
Participation in all OGSS activities, which include Talks, Symposium, Seminars and Conferences. Attendance is usually free-of-charge or at specially reduced fees rebates are also frequently given (eg. Postgraduate Refresher Course and O&G Congresses).
OGSS organises Social Activities for members such as OGSS Educational Nite, OGSS Annual Oration & Banquet and OGSS CME Events. Many of these events are free-of-charge or charged at subsidized rates for members. These events allow OGSS members to network with one another and with our guests.
The OGSS Trust Fund is an educational fund set up to provide for O&G education and advancement in Singapore. The fund sponsors:
OGSS Travel Grants
Benjamin Henry Sheares Memorial Lectureship
A Travel Grant will only be granted to the same member once every three years.
Free Practice Listing in OGSS website.
Opportunities to participate or to lead in various OGSS Committees & International O&G Committees for the benefit of the Singapore O&G community.
Nomination for Honorary Awards
Honorary Awards: On a regular basis, we do get requests to nominate outstanding members of our society to other societies.
Benjamin Henry Sheares Award: Honouring outstanding research workers on their clinical research work on O&G.
Discount for Insurance Premium from NTUC Income.
Members may express their views on important O&G issues and position papers sought by the various local and international organisations.